Lost in thought

You ever find yourself in such deep thought that it nearly renders you comatose? No? Just me then? Okay…

That’s sorta what happened this weekend. For some reason when my brain decides to put things into logic it puts all other thought processes on hold. Everything else will be listed with less priority… yes that includes breathing. In my case it was driving and talking. Not wise is it?

Somehow the topic of religion was discussed over the weekend. My brain immediately went into flashbacks of my own religious experiences; growing up JW, the families, the practices, the social system, Idaho and my desire to become straight (pray the gay away), the many conflicts around the world, the many other things both good and bad done in the name of religion. My mind was tossed into vortex of images and impressions both positive and negative.

It’s hard to say where I stand on it all. My simple belief is that if something makes you a better person then all power to you. I have nothing against any particular creed. I think the problem comes down to the person and how they mascaraed to do things in the name of their creed/beliefs. It’s their way to excuse their bad behavior.

I recall a certain passage in the bible where it says that God’s word is used to discipline, correct, and love. I think this serves true with just about anything. The application of something can be used as a sword to strike down in justice or with malice intent. There is far too much of the latter being done in the world today.

A friend of mine had a dog that whenever he put his belt on it would run out of the room. The mere clank of the buckle hitting would send it bolting out. A simple belt. A belt made to support this man’s trousers was sending this dog running. Eventually he learned that the previous owner would beat the dog with a belt. The dog would forever fear the belt. A very unfortunate association for this dog.

The analogy may not be perfect but in some cases i think that’s what is beginning to happen with certain creeds. They’re belts, being applied unreasonably. Far too much effort is spent using them to strike someone down. The message is being lost. No matter how pretty the gift no one is going to take it or open it if the wrapping is ugly and even venomous.

“You will die! You will burn in eternal damnation! You’re a sinner! … and will you please join my cause and my organization now?”

It doesn’t work like that.

Again, I don’t condone a particular creed. I still admit I’m not sure if there really is a God and reason to all this chaos anymore. In fact I think we waste time in categorizing ourselves. It divides more than it unites.

This weekend I spent time with two really close friends. As we bar-hopped from gay bar to gay bar I came across the following posted on the window of a business:

Now, being that I wasn’t entirely sober (ha) I took the picture to make sense of it later. I didn’t understand it but knew it was giving off bad energy. It was sending a negative message of some sort. Only now do I make sense of it; laughed it off and sorta proved my point about this whole thing. I should’ve posted a similar message in a black marker “… and please join my cause.”

I’m not a particular party. I’m not a particular religion. I’m a human being, a watcher, a citizen of planet earth, ’nuff said! … now… will you please join my cause? 🙂

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One Response to Lost in thought

  1. Toby Neal says:

    I’m always interested in any cause put forth by a thoughtful person who’s wondering and examining, and better yet expressing the quest beautifully.

    Here’s a glimpse of mine:

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