The Blah

One could say last year washed over me. That it enveloped me like a tidal wave, thrashed me about and spit me out. Or, that I simply let it slide and rode the wave like a good SoCal boy. #RideTheWaveDudes

It certainly went by fast, then again I suppose that’s the case every year. We’re always so surprised when December sneaks up.

As you can tell from the history of entries, I went through the motions of being a writer. The many doubts, the many writer’s block… the many “abandon ship” scenarios with no life jacket involved. Fellow writers not only say this feeling is normal but healthy. I suppose it goes back to my belief that complacency is the root of all evil. Doubt, like change, keeps you nimble and on your toes. It keeps you in that ever-evolving state of improvement. It’s when you stop questioning that you should worry.

So, for now I’ll keep the self doubts… so as long as it’s not self defeating.

On another note, I need to start packing for my seven day vacation. I think some time off will clear the head. My writing has been neglected and suffered. The toxic routine, the mundane, and the complacency (yup, there it is) of life I think has stifled my creativity and motivation. Nothing really excites me and a part of me is famished for new experiences.

I hope to return with a new sense of direction, purpose, or if anything… a willingness to finish what I’ve started.

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8 Responses to The Blah

  1. Being on the road, seeing different things, enjoying the company of friends will invigorate your mind, and you’ll come back bubbling with ideas.

  2. Glad you pushed through and posted a blog entry! Enjoy the vacation, have those new experiences you crave and return to us renewed, reinvigorated, regenerated, re….ohhhh, you get the idea. Have FUN!

  3. Jamie says:

    Did you know if you take BLAH, turn it around to to HALB and translate it from German it means…Half Way, and if you are half way, that means you are progressing. Any progression at all means progress. So, that must mean you are half way to being published. Yep, you didn’t see THAT coming did you.
    Good job, enjoy the Vacation, come back refreshed.

  4. Rachel Revai says:

    Well there’s always that one road trip a long time ago??? You know the one…the desert and snow…I miss my friend…love you

  5. T.L Tyson says:

    Doubt is only fear, love. We fear what ifs and what will be when we don’t even know if they exist. I say let go of the self doubt and embrace your awesomenss Xxx

  6. Jennifer says:

    It’s so good to hear that other writers have self-doubt sometimes, too. I hope you enjoy your well deserved vacation. I hope you are able to relax, rejuvenate and wash that doubt away! Xoxo

  7. Jen Stayrook says:

    Just remember there are those who love and believe in you and what you do. That should help push you through most anything.

  8. Rob Gokee says:

    I’m looking forward to a shiny new Branli post-vacation.

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